Halkyon Symposion:
Plato's Myth of the Cave
Let's end 2021 in style. On the last weekend before Christmas we meet for the First Halkyon Symposion to discuss in depth the most astonishing - and terrifyingly prescient - philosophical myth:
Plato's Cave.
Plato, it seems, foresaw our modern world of telecommunication and television. Shadows of copies, hence simulations make up the world of the inmates of the Cave - the first simulacrum described in philosophy. Did Plato trap us in the Cave? How, if at all, can we break free? How can we decipher the shadows? Is freedom possible inside the Cave? Is our media world a world of shadows and hence unfreedom? Join us for a weekend of profound discussion and close reading of this seminal, destining Myth - and articulate your own exit from the Cave.
When: December 18th and 19th, 5-8pm GMT
What you get:
6+ hours of group discussion led by Johannes A. Niederhauser, PhD
1 exclusive Video lecture (1 hr)
5 pages of exclusive handouts
Insights into the original Ancient Greek text and original translations of key words
Virtual discussion forum and community of learners
Fee: 220GBP
You are fully enrolled when you have sent the registration fee to our PayPal account. Please Include your email address in the note. You will receive confirmation from us via PayPal message or email.
Plato's Cave Myth is the Parable of our Time
The Echoes of Plato's Cave can still be heard for anyone awake enough. E.M. Forster's short story "The Machine Stops" is such an echo.