The Thinkers Guild
Aufbruch und Ewigkeit
The Halkyon Thinkers Guild is a gathering of thinkers, artists, writers, musicians.
We are an order devoted to the ideal of human flourishing for the sake of the greater Good.
Before there were universities there were guilds of scholars wandering across Europe to teach the ways of ancient wisdom.
At Halkyon we bring a medieval guild-inspired model into the future. We return only in order to create paths into the future.
The Halkyon Guild is an environment that fosters self-cultivation, growth, and self-overcoming.
Our teachers have achieved mastery but continue to progress and explore.
Our main focus in teaching lies with providing guidance and support to those who are seeking and developing their talents.
Our Archon Johannes A. Niederhauser and all Guild teachers are continuously focused on their own individual self-growth and unfolding their talents.
At Halkyon people gather from all walks of life, all ages and all stages of inquiry to practice together.
We provide the space where mind, soul, and body find nurture and can flourish. Whether you are in the early stages of your inquiry in the greatest questions of humankind or advanced —
Halkyon is your homestead, to inquire, to improve your practice, to learn and dialogue — and to learn how to be amazed by the world again, seeing what is possible.
The Halkyon Guild & Academy is an invitation to the world, to the future. A space devoted entirely to learning in a community where everyone, regardless of they are in their journey, is committed to ongoing self-overcoming, supporting others in their journey, and finding the aim — for the Philosophy of the Future.
Join us along the Peripatos and build with us.
Our Founder
“What is truly noble about a work or
human being
is the moment when their sea is smooth
and they have found
halcyon self-sufficiency.”
Friedrich Nietzsche